(no subject)

Jul 10, 2002 17:36

I'm so bummed out today I don't even care that my hair is 2 degrees away from bursting into flames..
Its so funny because last year at around this time, I was so angry about it being hot.. I really don't care.. I mean yeah I feel sick and kinda 'overheated' and 'nauseous' (I wasnt blessed with a lot of sweat glands..or any glands for that matter, not even mammory glands!), but I haven't cared all that much, just kinda accepted it as a part of life..
Monday I'm going to another agency..it will probably be a waste of time but at least people won't call me lazy..or maybe they will LOL
I'm getting sick of trying..but I know I have to, not really for me (since every job I get doesn't pay hardly anything to make a difference) but for what others think of me. And I won't stop trying because once I start working, I feel better. It's because I'm home all the time that I'm like this.
I really wished that Stanford thing had turned out but I guess that was a long shot. I got my hopes up too high for that.

Its so funny this whole day I've been really really really down so then I go to this one place my brother gave me... it's a site and I don't feel right about giving it out to people because some of the sound clips have bad language. It's a collection of different prank calls, one of my favorite being the Arnold Swarztenegger series where they got a bunch of Kindergarten Cop voice clips and play them in a conversation. You would think these people would recognize he says things in the same way but they don't, and he makes them so mad when he says "STOP IT! STOP WHINING!" or "I'M A COP YOU IDIOT!" heehhe
and then I laugh giddily for about 15 minutes before slowly going back into my slump.

It's really hard to convey things sometimes. and this is one of those times.
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