Everything That Mattered - Chapter 17

Dec 14, 2008 21:28

Title: Everything That Mattered (17/21)
Pairing: Caspian/Edmund
Rating: PG-13

Summary: There was always something there, some feeling that Edmund had always acknowledged. As the feeling escalates, he and Caspian find themselves swept into something that neither of them had ever dared to dream of before.
Notes: Thanks to my awesome beta xxlucyferxx for kicking my arse into gear. :) Also, thanks to her for pretty much writing the letter. I wrote the basics, but my original letter sucked. :P She was kind enough to fix it. :D
( Chapter 1: 'A Fool's Hope' ) ( Chapter 2: 'Stubborn Man' ) ( Chapter 3: 'A Walk In The Park' ) ( Chapter 4: 'Closer' )( Chapter 5: 'High King Peter the Overprotective' ) ( Chapter 6: 'Be Civil, Peter!' ) ( Chapter 7: 'Nothing To Do With Engineering' )( Chapter 8: 'Galmian Relations' ) ( Chapter 9: 'A Little Bit More About Engineering' )( Chapter 10: 'Ow' )( Chapter 11: 'Tidings From Ettinsmoor' )( Chapter 12: 'Memories' )( Chapter 13: 'King Edmund the Interior Designer' )( Chapter 14: 'Taking Control' )( Chapter 15: 'All Hell Breaks Loose' )( Chapter 16: 'Things Take A Turn for the Worse' )

Chapter 17: ‘Looking Up’


I write to you now in much better humour than my last letter. We set up camp two days ago in a beautifully defensible valley among the hills. Our shift in location confounded the Giants for some time (they razed the old campsite and all the area around it before realising that there were no men in it) and so we had time to recuperate and ready the troops.

Yesterday, at sunrise, they fell again upon the camp (the right one this time) and we were ready for them. It would please me greatly to claim that it was I who had devised our battle strategy, but I fear that honour belongs to Reepicheep. He persuaded us that our best chance of victory was to drive the attackers into the valley, where their size would become a hindrance rather than a help.

It came off better than I could have hoped. Surrounded by the stone walls of the mountains, their great clubs were no match for our swords and spears. We meant to force them to surrender and then treat with them, but they continued their attack even as we decimated their numbers so in the end we slew all of them. So the threat of Ettinsmoor is, for the moment, neutralized, though it has come at a heavy price in casualties.

Now there simply remains the task of cleaning up the dreadful mess the Giants have caused, and aiding civilians who have lost land and property. Travel is out of the question for at least a few more days, and I cannot consider attempting to move our more grievously wounded until their condition has stabilized. If our luck holds, I can reasonably expect to be home within four days. And believe me, that hour cannot come soon enough.


Edmund breathed a sigh of relief, a smile creeping onto his face. Caspian had been away for a few weeks, and Edmund was surprised at just how much he’d missed him. He had often wandered around aimlessly, just longing for Caspian to be safe, and to come home. It was strange to him, but he supposed it couldn’t be helped.

Edmund looked up as cries of joy filled the throne room and people ran into the halls, calling the good news. Peter stood with a smile on his face, but his expression was strained. Edmund bit his lip, approaching his brother for the first time in a week. He had avoided Peter like the plague since they had had their last conversation. Edmund braced himself and stood before his brother, staring up at him almost defiantly.

“Peter, we need to talk,” he said firmly.

“Gracing me with your presence now, are you?” Peter snarled. Anger shone in his blue eyes, but Edmund could see the hurt hidden behind it. He sighed, thinking that he ought to have spoken to Peter sooner.

“C’mon, Peter,” Edmund replied. He turned and walked in the direction of the gardens, hearing Peter follow him after a little hesitation. His footsteps crunched loudly on the stones that covered the pathway, and he could hear the sounds of celebration from within the castle. Edmund found an old garden bench in a remote corner of the garden. There were not even trees to overhear them.

“What do you want, Ed?” Peter snapped, throwing himself onto one side on the bench before Edmund could speak. Edmund sat down as well, keeping distance between them.

“We need to talk about Caspian.” Edmund could see Peter’s lips curling into a snarl, his eyes flashing with fury.

“What have we to discuss?”

“His return. And your attitude towards him.”

“He defiled you! I will not allow it!”

“It’s not your choice Peter!” Edmund yelled. Peter flinched slightly, staring at him accusingly. “It’s mine. He didn’t ‘defile’ me, it was my choice to make. I don’t think you get it!”

“I’m the High King, not to mention your older brother!”

“ I don’t belong to you, Pete. I respect your opinions, and you need to respect mine! I love Caspian, and I’m tired of you treating him like scum! If you don’t like it, deal with it, because I’ve had enough!” Edmund was aware that his volume was steadily rising, until he was nearly screaming at the top of his lungs. Every bit of anger that he had felt was pouring out of him, and he was unable to stop it. His eyes blazed with anger, and he was using all of his willpower to remain in his seat. He was not going to allow himself to storm off again.

“What’s he done to win you over?” Peter asked angrily.

“Only been himself! I’ve had feelings for him ever since I met him!”

Peter slumped, burying face in his hands. Edmund forced himself to calm down, counting his breaths until he felt he could control his temper again.

“I’m sorry, Ed,” Peter said dejectedly. “I want you to be happy. I suppose he must have some good in him if you care about him so much.”

“Thank you, Peter,” Edmund smiled. Peter finally looked up, giving him a slightly sad smile as he stood. Edmund accepted the offered hand and was pulled to his feet, dusting himself off. He and Peter walked side-by-side back to the castle, listening to the sounds of the joyous Narnians.

One inside the castle walls, Peter was snagged and rushed off to view the preparations that were being made for the king and his armies’ return. Edmund was left standing in the entrance hall, Narnians of all descriptions bustling around him. He exhaled, a great weight having been taken off his chest. He was certain that Peter understood now, and would act accordingly. He knew that the last thing Peter would want to do would be to upset one of his siblings.

Edmund jogged up the stairs, a slight smile creeping onto his face. His brother would allow him to choose for himself, and Caspian was coming home! Edmund felt the smile spreading wider as he dashed to his bedchambers. He could hardly allow the Narnians to see his silly grin.

fanfiction:narnia, everything that mattered, caspian/edmund

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