Mar 10, 2011 17:47
So, it's the Year of the Pig by the Chinese calendar and I've been told by my mother (who is an Authentic Chinese Lady) that it's a lucky year for me.
Turns out things are going pretty well. Employment is of a temporary nature but pays better than grad studies, so I even out.
I'm gaming a lot more, which is awesome. There's a new larp in town and I had a wonderful time at the first game. I had a drunken confrontation with an ex-girlfriend, sobered up, had another confrontation, then ran off with another woman. Game is the only place you can do this and then have a squealing hugfest with the participants afterwards. What's not to love?
This weekend is the Firefly larp. I have a top hat, a tail coat, random Chinese phrases which I will substitute for appropriate Chinese dialogue since no one will know actual Chinese anyway ("That's a chair! That's a table!"), and a head full of tall tales to bother people with. Now if only I had boots and a place to tuck a prop gun....
On the "getting children" front, things are progressing. We get the girls for spring break, which will be fun and we have high hopes that the home assessment will be done "shortly" (by which I mean within 6-8 weeks). Come summer, the girls should be with us and I will be a full-time parent!
(Okay, so I'm terrified. That's normal, right? Right?!)
On the fandom front, I haven't been keeping up with Glee because I constantly want to strangle the characters. I've still heard about the latest development with Santana and Brittany, though, and watched that clip (anyone who's seen it knows what I mean). Allow me to just say that even though my inner fangirl was screaming "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I think that the path they chose was the right one. I mean, they're in high school. Their lives shouldn't be like fanfic, no matter how goofy the show. Now, whether they'll be able to handle the ramifications of this storyline choice is up in the air. Given that I spend so much of my time wanting to strangle characters and the rest of the time grudgingly being drawn back in by their song and dance numbers.... We'll see.
On a side note, it amuses me to no end that the first part of that clip mirrors I don't know how many fanfics. Just sayin'.