1. Thesis looks like Frankenstein's monster, by which I mean I'm sewing two chapters together to make one better one. I expect a jolt of electricity and some makeup may cover up the smell of formaldehyde - I intend to test my theory tonight.
2. I may have been sucked into fandom again, mostly because the Glee femslash practically writes itself. To be fair, the Rachel/Quinn fics out there seriously channel the affection that Lea Michele and Dianna Agron have for each other (I know they aren't more than friends but bloody hell, they may be the most cuddly non-sexual partners in show biz right now....), but Santana/Brittany is totally canon in an understated sort of way, and that actually makes me happier. I'm not inclined to write anything (not that I have the time anyway) but one day in the land of "I have a life again" I may wander over to the beta community and sign up.
3. Played in an rpg where my character literally cannot die (without some unspecified and exceptionally complicated mojo) and knows it. This leads to some interesting shifts in perspective. Dying isn't an end - it's an inconvenience and actions are taken to reduce that inconvenience as much as possible. As an example, my character is ambushed by footpads in a dark alley. I try to get away - this looks like it will fail because one of them has a bow. So! My brilliant plan is to run for the river so my body will disappear when they kill me, so that I have a plausible reason for reappearing later. Also, the more damage to my body, the longer it takes for me to come back, and I didn't want to miss the party the next day. It's definitely a little weird, but fun.
4. My girl and I were cuddling on the couch the other night when she happened to glance out the window to our balcony, and she met the eyes of one of our neighbours (on another balcony). Said neighbour yips and scurries back inside, saying, "She saw me!" I think some of the neighbours may have clued in that there are queer folk in the building. :P
5. I was talking with the lab coordinator for the course I teach about how I'm kind of bitter that apparently to be a good teacher you need to have a PhD, which I'm not that interested in pursuing (not now, anyway). We talked a bit about that, and then he sent me to the
Association for Biology Laboratory Education which is more or less what it says. Now I'm intrigued, and membership is only $15 for students. I'm intrigued.