Radio crap

May 03, 2006 11:09

m starting to dispise the radio.. in all acutality there is only a handfull of good songs out now a days. yeah i know most people dont lissen to the radio, but i cant live off my small cd collecetion. what i hate the most, and not trying to say its all bad, is rap mucis. yes every once and a while i love one good rap song, but most are my bitches and hoes bootty songs which are whell stupied.. and reptitive so its the same kinda song over and over.. and its not just rap.. Sadly i think rock has died for the main streem since.. everything sounds just the same, moody amlost bitchy emo style music.. and it sucks! i hate lissing to tk cus its eithter crap or the same old songs over and over. and pop music to, i mean you gett a better veritey of bands but a few still sound the same.

Oldies are always good so atlest i can turn to that when im bord of pop mucis... and it happens alot. and 107.3 sucks ass.... i hate them.

My new music joy is slient hill.. I LOVE there soundtracks.. its a very good mix of techno ambent mucis to indrustral techno (used for the parts were you know your going to die) i gota start collecting the cds sometime, for all i have now is myspace and 7 pages of loaded music. which isnt bad, but i would want the cds. Now if you see the moive, they just use the game music for that soundtrack, so what you here is a collection of all 4 games rolled into the moive.

Somg good tracks to find are Room of a Angel, Tender Sugar, Staries on Fire, (click view my song path on my myspace that page is alot of good songs) and alot more i havent acutaly found yet ^_^

but yeah, im not giveing up the raido, but it sucks anyways

8 days
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