Since I'm actually joining a new community *gasp!* I thought I'd take the time to re-introduce myself here, as well as update my previous friends. (:
My name's Katie, but you may call me Kat, Canadian Katie, Miss, or any other number of things, as I am so often called. XD
I teach French to grades 9-12 in an urban high school. I'll be teaching for seven years this year. I'm currently ALMOST done with my master's degree in education- I have one project to finish, and one last class to take. YAY!! Though, right now, I'm working my ass off on two online courses so I can keep my job. (I can rant about that later... stupid state accreditation... *grumble*)
Currently, I'm also a student of WTF-style Tae Kwon Do. I've been a student at
Dover Dragons since April 2008. I also maintain their website. I am currently a Brown Stripe, and hoping to test for my Brown Belt this month, if I can. For those of you who don't know, WTF TKD is the style used in the Olympics. Its focus is speed and kicks, so I tend to think it's very fire-like. XD (Though, I like to take my time with my forms!)
I'm also dabbling on my own with some Tai Chi. ^_^ Maybe I'll pick up a book on Ba Gua, too.
I also have a wonderful boyfriend, Sean, who I've been seeing for a year (as of next week!). We make each other pretty darn happy. (: He is very much a geek (like me), and we've worked our way through a few interesting shows this year together. Mostly, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, From the Earth to the Moon, and Wonderfalls.
For those of you who know me really well, I do have a facebook. If you want to friend me, comment and we'll figure that out. (;
New friends, if you have any questions, fire away!
NOTE: Most of my posts are friends-only, sooo...