Just thought I'd share this with y'all...
silar31 and I got to play today over in June's town. It was great!! :D
The most fun was using the mic. When I came in, June could hear me. It makes conversation a whole lot easier! June and I were wondering if we'd hear other players who also had a mic on each other's TVs/Wiis, when lo and behold, Silar came over, too! And we heard her!
I was so psyched that I could hear other players that the first thing out of my mouth was (I think):
Oh my GOD I can HEAR YOU!!! :D :D :D
So, definite squee-ness. If you don't have the mic, you might want to get it. It's loads of fun, and picks up sound very, very well. XD (June, did you hear Lupin chirping at all?)
If you wanna' friend me, check out the official post below. (: