[SAB Fic]: Stereotypes and Second Impressions - K+ - 1/1

Jun 18, 2011 15:33

A/N: I typically don't like ABC Family shows, but I'm kinda hooked here, lol.

Title: Stereotypes and Second Impressions
Disclaimer: I, ladyknightanka, do not own Switched at Birth. If I did, Emmett and Toby would someday get together. Please don't replicate my silly work without permission.
Warnings: K+ for biases about the hearing and deaf community.
Other Notes: ~500 words. Pre-slash or friendship Toby/Emmett. Spoilers for the currently released episodes of the series.
Summary: Toby learns some sign-language from Daphne to make a better second impression with Emmett, but the sarcastic boy is unwilling to believe that hearing boys are capable of being anything but jerks.


Stereotypes and Second Impressions


It all started with three small gestures: a salute, two hands cupped together then rolled back, and a pointing finger. Hello, how are you?

As Emmett stared at Toby with a weary expression, the tall blond fidgeted, his eyes flitting back toward the guest house, as if he was hoping one of his sisters, biological or not, would come bail him out.

Emmett decided to take pity on the guy and signed back Good, touching the tips of his fingers to his chin, then drawing them back.

He was tempted to add something sarcastic, something an amateur like Toby could never respond to, but the sunny beam that replaced the older boy's discomfort almost made his pleasantry worth it. Almost.

Behind them, Daphne was finally coming out, smiling prettily when she saw them together. Toby took that as his cue to leave and waved, before dashing off to his own car.

Emmett watched him go with an intense frown, then glowered at his best friend. You've been teaching the hearing monkey to sign? he asked.

“He is not a monkey,” she huffed aloud, her hands moving in tandem with her mouth. “He's sweet and he's actually trying very hard to make up for the bad first impression he made. Be nice.”

Emmett quirked an eyebrow at her, but she added no more, gracefully accepting her motorcycle helmet from him and climbing onto the growling machine, her arms locking around his waist.

Not far from them, Toby's car began pulling out of the garage. He caught them staring and wiggled his fingers cheerfully, his white teeth gleaming in the sunlight. Something began to flutter in Emmett's stomach. In case his expression matched, he hid his face behind his own helmet, scowling into the padding.

“Not all hearing guys are jerks,” Daphne had told him, not long ago, when he'd attempted to convince her not to date that stupid jock, Liam. Maybe she was right.

Then he saw how Toby had already begun to chatter with his dark-haired sister, Bay, his full lips moving at a mile a minute, as you never should around a deaf person, and his mood pitched black. He kicked his feet down into the peddles of his motorcycle and sped past the hearing boy, leaving him in the dust. He wished it would make him feel better, at least out of spite, but he knew that if he glanced over his shoulder, Toby wouldn't even be looking back -- wouldn't even care.

Daphne smiled a secret smile into the material of his leather jacket. Emmett always thought he knew everything. Luckily, while that was usually true, this time Emmett was wrong.

Boys, deaf or otherwise, were so silly.




A/N: I hope you liked it! Anyone know any communities and the like for it? Probably not, right? ^^; I have a feeling this is the first Switched at Birth fic, but hey, at least it's slash, eh? Oh, I'm too much of a shipper, le sigh. :P

genre: slash, genre: canon/minor au, character: toby kennish, character: emmett bledsoe, fandom: switched at birth, pairing: toby kennish/emmett bledsoe, rec: tv/movie, word count: 100-999, fanfiction: oneshot, fanfiction

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