My BB Artist, My School, My Acts...

May 10, 2011 21:02

Tomorrow's my last day of college! Yay! I think I got all A's (yes, I is a nerd), but I'm almost officially out of school mode and revved up for big bang. My artist is the much talented sleepwalker1015 and I'm SO excited to work with her! ♥ A little less excited about editing, but whatever, I'll get really pretty art out of the deal. xD Just cross your fingers with me because I'm sending her a chunk of my draft today and I'll be
And then...PEER PRESSURE! So many people on my flist are doing the five acts meme that I've decided to jump on the bandwagon. YES, I'm easy! *sobs* You don't have to fill anything. The fact that you now know some of the things my muse loves devours is enough. =D

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom of your post, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

Five Acts:
AU/Crossover: I love the complexity it takes to try and fit beloved characters of one world into another, without completely changing them. Ever since I started writing fanfics, I've considered myself an AU and crossover specialist. For crosses, especially, I think it's because I'm afraid adding an original character into a role I need will only degenerate the plot, so I bring in someone from an alternate world, but really, it's just fun to read or write.

Children: There is something inherently precious about an otherwise macho, tough-guy character softening in the presence of a child, or their partners seeing a new, eye-opening side to them.

Guilt/Hurt/Comfort: Okay, I admit it, I'm EVIL! I just love to wallow in characters' angst over things they've done to hurt their partners/family members/etc. If they make up after the hurt for some sweet comfort, I'm definitely not opposed.

Angst/Death: Kind of a continuation of the above, I suppose., like reading fics where characters die or get badly hurt and other characters lament or try to help them through it. I'm weird. T_T;

Courtship/Bonding: Yes, opposing the above, I am a romantic at heart. I am soft for fics where one character is madly in love with the other, possibly after a bonding that forcefully couples them together, but the other character is reluctant and requires wooing.

Then, sprinkle sex on all that, and voila, you've made me a happy camper! Although, here's a secret: I don't really even require smut. ♥

Supernatural: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Gabriel, Sam/Lucifer, Sam/Castiel, Adam/Michael, Adam/Lucifer, Adam/Gabriel, Adam/Nick, Adam/his brothers, Adam/practically anyone. Read: give me some Adam love and I'll adore you. Doesn't even need to be shippy because I also like gen. Also, all rare-pairs are FTW!

Charmed: Wyatt/Chris and occasionally Leo/Chris. Gen love, also.

Criminal Minds: Hotch/Reid, Morgan/Reid, Reid/Nathan Harris (that serial killer kid he met in Sex, Birth, Death), Tobias Hankel/Reid.

Four Brothers: Bobby/Jack, Angel/Jack. Here be gen, as well.

Gilmore Girls: Luke/Jess, Dean/Jess. Also, friendship fics between Rory's two boyfriends or, especially, fics where Luke takes care of Jess are FTW!

Merlin: Arthur/Merlin, Gwaine/Merlin. Um, no gen here, I guess. Make outs would be preferable. ;)

And then you can do any combination of crossover pairings, because those are fun. I especially think band-groupie!Adam/Jack would be epic or evil!Wyatt/Adam. >_>; Oh, and stepping away from my fascination with Adam, I'd love to see some crossover Sam/Jess Mariano. I like how Jess has the same initials as Sam's first love, okay? IT'S CURIOUS!

What There Thou Seest, Fair Creature, is Thyself - Michael/Adam - Longing -  - T - 1/1

Life's a Drag - Gabriel/Adam - Crossdressing - - NC-17 - 1/1

Reasons Not to Text Half-Asleep - Michael/Adam - AU+Guilt/Hurt/Comfort+Angst+Courtship - by _bluebells - T - 1/1

discussion: big bang, genre: slash, rec: fic, fandom: multiple, flist, life: school, fandom: supernatural, life: writing stuff, pimp: my own fics, activity: meme, fanfiction

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