[FF7 Fic]: Of Generals and Birthdays - NC-17 - 1/1

Feb 11, 2011 14:56

A/N: This was first written for one of the help Haiti fanfic communities, hh_kink, about a year ago, so you might already be familiar with it, but maybe not. I'm reposting it here, now, because of some issues mentioned at the bottom. While writing porn sometimes embarrasses me (and posting it even more so), this was for a good cause, but please don't read if 1.) you're underage and 2.) you don't like graphic PWP fics. If you aren't averse to these stipulations, read on and please enjoy. *Runs away blushing*

Title: Of Generals and Birthdays
Disclaimer: I, ladyknightanka, don't own Final Fantasy VII, and the only profit I make from this is having fun. Still, don't replicate my ridiculous writing without permission.
Warnings: NC-17 for graphic sexual encounters, coarse language, light BDSM, dub-con, human trafficking, etc. Also, Sephiroth calls Cloud 'boy', but his age isn't disclosed, and this is AU, so pretend what you'd like. Just remember, writing it doesn't mean I endorse it in RL.
Other Notes: ~1525 words. Sephiroth/Cloud. Mentions of Zack.
Summary: Zack purchases a blonde slave for his general's birthday. Sephiroth decides to make good use of his gift.


Of Generals and Birthdays


It was his birthday - the thirtieth.

Now, normally, Sephiroth was not the sort of man who cared about such things as birthday celebrations. He was a SOLDIER, bred for the sole purpose of slaying Shinra company and Hojo's enemies; he wasn't exactly someone who was used to emotional attachment to and from others. If he lived to be thirty, so be it. If he died, then that was fine, too.

But now he had Zack Fair as his second in command, and the silly boy insisted on being his 'friend'. Being friends, apparently, meant that Zack had the right to celebrate the older SOLDIER's birth, even if said general did not want him to. When he'd asked over and over what the general wanted, and received but a shrug of broad shoulders in return, the young Gongagan had taken matters into his own hands, which led to the situation at hand.

Upon returning to his quarters after a meeting, Sephiroth found a boy handcuffed in his bed, arms and legs splayed to leave nothing to the imagination. The man froze at the sight of him. He was beautiful, with wheat blonde hair, deep, cornflower blue eyes, and pouting pink lips, currently gagged by a black cloth. The boy stared at him from under the spiky blonde locks, reminiscent of a chocobo, with huge, wondering eyes. The general swallowed and allowed his eyes to trail over the rest of his body.

It was lanky and muscled, but not overly so; rather, his thin arms, legs, and abdomen were lightly defined. His nipples were pink and very hard, as Sephiroth liked leaving his room with the air-conditioner constantly on. But what really drew the general's emerald gaze, more than any of that, was what lay curled on the boy's belly; his engorged cock, cut with a pale pink crown, frosted with cum. Tied around it very tightly was an elaborate black bow, a stark contrast to the boy's pale skin. Under the bow was a tag.

The silver-haired general swiftly walked forward and lifted the tag, ignoring the blonde's shiver from when he brushed against his swollen cock. On the tag, in Zack's cheerful, messy scrawl, were the words: Happy b-day, Seph. I bought him for you from a shop in the slums. Enjoy! - Zack.

Sephiroth swallowed. The blonde boy was moaning through the gag, writhing his hips, and panting wantonly. They stared at one another. Finally, Sephiroth came to a decision. Even if his idiot second had purchased this boy without his command, he wanted him; that much was obvious through his body's reactions, as he himself was already fully erect.

Without saying a single word, Sephiroth stripped himself, laying his body bare for the boy before him. The blonde's eyes widened at the size of his member, making him smirk wanly. Finally, he climbed atop the bed, over the blonde. With one hand he fisted both of their cocks, rubbing the two lengths together for sweet, tortuous friction, and moaned along with the boy. The silk of the ribbon, combined with the velvet of the boy's genitals, were heavenly.

One of the pink buds on the chest before him caught his eye. He bent down to take it between his teeth, making the blonde arch under him. He bit down, smiling upon hearing the responding whimper, before he soothed the nub with his tongue. The other hand had left the boy's cock to fondle his peach-colored balls, which he rolled around his palm and squeezed.

When he finally lost interest in the boy's chest, he began kissing down his belly, loving the way it twitched beneath him, until he finally arrived at the best part; the boy was going blue in the balls from his ministrations and the pre-cum gathering on the tip of his cock looked oh-so-sweet.

Smirking, the general sucked the boy's manhood into his mouth, to the root. Small hairs, a slightly darker blonde than that on the boy's head, pricked his lips, which only increased his mirth; so he had a natural blonde on his hands, did he?

Filing that little detail in his mind for later, he began bobbing his head up and down, deep-throating the treat in his mouth. The boy began to buck, forcing the older man to grasp his hips in a bruising grip, and his screams were apparent even through the gag. Sephiroth milked him till he began to become flaccid, before taking mercy on him and releasing the tie that had thus restricted the boy's orgasm. The blonde bucked weakly a few more times before cumming hard in his mouth, the fluid hitting him in the back of his throat and escaping through his lips. He swallowed as much of it as he could, savoring the salty taste.

Then, he sat up on his knees and wiped his lips. “If I untie you, will you leave?” he asked. The boy stared up at him with confused sapphire eyes. The general quirked a silver brow. “If you wish to leave, I will not stop you. The door is right there.” He pointed a long finger in the direction he meant.

After another minute of staring, the boy shook his head; he would stay, for whatever reason. Hiding a smile, the general unhinged his bonds, freeing Zack's purchase. Without giving the boy a chance to move, he flipped him over on his hands and knees, like a bitch in heat.

“I wish to mount you,” he told the blonde, who nodded stiffly. Gripping the boy's thighs, he spread his legs, exposing the small, crinkly entrance he would soon penetrate. It made his mouth water, just a little. Bending his head down, he swiped his tongue across it, enjoying the gasp this incited. The taste was unique, but not bad, just the same as it had been with the boy's cum. Without waiting for the blonde to get used to the feeling, he delved his tongue in deeper, squirming it around, pulling it out, and jamming it back in, basically tongue-fucking him.

If the wanton moans the blonde gave were sultry when he'd initially done it, they only became more so when he found that spot in the boy: his prostrate. When he reached his hand around the boy's waist curiously, he found that he was once again stiff and leaking.

But it wouldn't do to have him ejaculate again with only the general's tongue in hm. No, Sephiroth himself was about to burst, only succeeding in not doing it so far because of his iron, inhuman will. He wanted to be inside the boy when he came.

Lifting himself up, he draped his body over the boy's, his long silver hair tickling the blonde's sides. “I'm putting it in,” he said, even as he grasped his own manhood and lined it with the boy's puckered entrance. The boy nodded again, but gasped when Sephiroth forced the head in. The general sucked in his own breath at the tight sensation, and waited a minute to let the boy adjust, before spearing him on his stiff cock. He grasped the boy's hips again for a better grip and began pounding into him.

He rode the boy's ass diligently, forcing himself not to cum till he'd milked the situation to it's entirety, before he wrapped his hand around the boy's member, pumping in accordance to his own motions. When the blonde let out a final groan, his seed splashing across his own chest, stomach, and Sephiroth's fingers, the general fucked him harder, gritting his teeth at the mix of pleasure and pain the boy's snug inner grip brought him. Finally, he, too, erupted within the boy.

He slapped against the boy's ass in order to ride out the orgasm, before slipping out his now limp cock. Then he fell to the boy's side, carefully not on top of him, and gathered the blonde in his arms. He tore off the gag and kissed him roughly. The boy's arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, further deepening their battle of tongues.

When they pulled apart, Sephiroth asked, “What's your name?”

“Cloud,” the boy replied, his pretty face flushed adorably.

“Cloud,” Sephiroth murmured. “How long did he purchase you for?”

Even more shyly, this time refusing to meet the older man's eyes, Cloud whispered, “...Forever.”

“Good,” the general affirmed, tucking the blonde head under his chin, musing at how silky his deceivingly spiky locks felt. He'd have to thank Zack tomorrow. Perhaps his idiot second-in-command was smarter than he appeared, and if so, was certainly worthy to be the general's 'friend'. The sword-wielding warrior found himself curious as to what Zack would give him next time.

Sparing Cloud an appraising glance, he figured, whatever it was, it couldn't top this one. He noticed Cloud had fallen asleep and gave him another kiss, receiving a sleepy grumble in reply.

Zack, for his part, was giddily wondering what his superior's reaction the his gift would be. The man was way too sexually frustrated and he hoped this would help him loosen up, some.




A/N: If you watch my other LJ account, angel_gospel, then there's a chance you've already read this. It's a fic I wrote anonymously for hh_kink, a charity community for helping Haitians after the tragic earthquake last year. I claimed it as my writing soon afterward and posted it at adultfanfiction.net. For some reason, though, AFF links to my fiction/profile no longer work, which a couple of people have complained about, so I decided to relocate here. I like LJ better, anyway, and I very rarely used AFF, but I lost at least one of my fics, because I didn't have it backed up. *Sigh*

pimp: websites/communities, genre: slash, pimp: contests/challenges, genre: total au, challenge: charity, life: technology hates me, fandom: final fantasy

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