Title: Defining Love
Series: Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace ficlet collection
Chapter: 1/1
ladyknight_fic Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV-verse)
Characters: Damon, mentions of Elena and various others
Pairing: Damon/Elena
Genre: Drama/Romance
Rating: light M
Summary: It wasn't so long ago that love equalled sex or blood. Or sex and blood.
Spoilers: up to and including 2x08
Warning(s): Minor language
Word Count: 195
Disclaimer: These characters are the property of L. J. Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec.
A/N: Written for the
New Year's Comment Ficathon hosted by
thewordmap at
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Defining love isn't as easy as it used to be. It wasn't so long ago that love equalled sex or blood. Or sex and blood. "Love" was just a word, a synonym for "instant gratification."
Maybe Katherine taught him that, in her own skewed, completely fucked up way. Maybe he learned it on his own as he fed and compelled his way through a century and a half's worth of women.
But if there's one thing he knows for sure nowadays, it's that his life is nothing like it used to be. And "love" has long since stopped meaning anything it used to.
It's all her fault. Elena's. For making him feel, for making him want to feel, not just for her, but for others. For Stefan, for Liz, for Ric, Caroline, Jeremy. Even Bonnie, when he has his moments.
Somehow, she made him stop thinking of love as something that pertained only to himself. Because he loves her. Loves her. And he let her go. For Stefan. There's just nothing about it that makes sense.
As far as he can tell, there's only one easy point when it comes to defining love:
It hurts.
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