Dragon Age 30 Day Challenge... in one go. :)

Jun 01, 2011 15:27

Since I'm not going to draw and I'm not disciplined enough to fill it every day, I decided to answer all the questions in one post. Saves the journal space as well.

1. Favorite Dragon Age game (ie: Origins, Awakening, Dragon Age 2)
I have to say it's DA2, with all those annoyances and flaws, unfinished story lines and senseless characters. I love my protagonist fully voiced and animated.

2. Favorite character
PC: Warden Commander Cassandra Amell, a mage woman who saved the world. Most of her personality was formed in my head, of course, but it made her even more attractive for me.
NPC: Zevran (made me laugh sooo much), Shale (she's brilliant), Anders (don't know where to start, he's just a very interesting character) and Bethany (sweetest little sister ever).

3. Least favorite character
Most of the Chantry personnel, namely Petrice, Sebastian and that revered mother in Lothering that refused to give blessing to my Cassandra.

4. Favorite Love Interest
Zevran in Origins, no doubt. As for DA2, I can't choose between Anders and Fenris (rival paths for both).

5. Least favorite Love Interest
Merrill. It felt like incest and paedophilia at the same time.

6. Your Warden’s story
I have 8 Warden stories, one of them is not finished yet. But my favourite is my Cassandra Amell. She was a proper Circle mage, a very nice and polite girl who was made into a Warden almost against her will. She was not a good politician, and people often did not want to listen to her. She blamed it on their unwillingness to deal with a mage. With a time she grew a thick skin and learned not to pay attention to idiots. She treasured those who were close to her though, with Leliana as her lover and Zev and later Anders as her best friends. She preferred to surround herself with mages as they were the only ones who could understand her. Also with time her initial dislike for the Chantry grew into a strong hatred, with Leliana leaving her to become the Divine's left hand as a last drop.

Story-wise, she did mostly "good" choices, sided with mages, elves and dwarves, put Bhelen and Alistair on their thrones, saved Amaranthine, killed both the Mother and the Architect.

7. Favorite quest
The Longest Road. Just amazing. I also loved the final part of Sheparding Wolves when my team had three mages in it.

8. Least favorite quest
Deep Roads part of the Paragon of Her Kind. I hate the bloody Deep Roads!

9. Favorite class (ie; mage, warrior, rogue, assassin, healer…)
Rogue-ranger in DAO. Mage in DA2.

10. Favorite party banter
A lot of them, actually. I can't even choose one. Let it be... Wynne flirting with Alistair in Ostagar.

11. Favorite song from the soundtracks
Fenris's theme song.

12. OTP
ElfWarden/Zevran, f!Hawke/Anders, m!Hawke/Fenris, Fenris/Isabela, Varric/Bianca

13. Mages or Templars?
Mages! Well, there are some decent templars, but Meredith and her favourites make me hate the entire order.

14. Character you wish was a romance option
Hm. Hm. Seneschal Bran maybe?

15. Your favorite “Bro”
Varric. And Anders in some cases.

16. Your ultimate team from all games
Cassandra Amell, Athena Hawke, Anders and Zevran (or Leliana).

17. Favorite Origins story
Amell, Mahariel and Aeducan, in this order.

18. Character you are most like
No idea. :)

19. Character who’d be your best friend
Varric. He's everyone's best friend. Also maybe my Amell.

20. Character you wouldn’t get along with

21. Favorite villain
Let it be... Zevran. :)

22. Favorite NPC
Flemeth. She's amazing!

23. Scene you wish you could change the outcome of the most
I wish I could knock Orsino down so he would be unable to turn into Harvester.

24. Most shocking scene
Um. Orsino cutting his wrist. I did not expect that.

25. Scene that made you cry
None, but I was close to it when Leandra died.

26. Crack OTP
Fenders. I can't take it seriously, but I cannot unsee it either.

27. Best part of the games
Character relationships.

28. Worst part of the games
Lack of development time and resources.

29. If you made a deal with a demon what would your bargain be?
I'll keep it in secret in case I meet a demon. :)

30. Hopes for Dragon Age 3
A Chantry Seeker is searching for both the Warden and Hawke and finds them. Then all three of them try to work together to solve the current crisis.

dragon age, games

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