Oct 28, 2008 10:33
So this is to catch everyone up on the lovely hell we have been going through. It will be disorganized and completely random and insane as my brain has gone wandering and left me here to deal with the last few weeks of this pregnancy. BTW if anyone ever hears Jay or I say we want another one please take us out give us a good flogging and then get us drunk and remind us why we don't want another. Thank you.
So first off how am I doing and have we had the baby yet? I'm in hell and no he's holding on for dear life. Yes i know my due date is not till Nov 13 but I WANT HIM OUT!!! He has dropped so low I can barely walk. I am in constant pain and can only take one reg strength Tylenol for said pain which let me tell you does nothing for it. Also if i move wrong then my hips/pelvic bone locks up for a second or two. So no leaving the house without someone for me. We're pretty sure the plug has come out but not certain if I am dilated yet. He is so low his head is resting in front of my cervix so they can't check. They also think my water has a small tear which is why I am giving off extra fluid. They say it is nothing to be worried about as it is such a small amount but I need to take it easy. Which means I can pretty much just sit around, play WOW, look cute and have everyone wait on me. While it's nice to be waited on when you CAN do things for yourself, it is annoying as all hell when you CAN'T.
For those of you who do not know we are having a boy, Corwyn Lockhart. We were hoping for a girl, all of us but Drake who wanted a brother that is. I'm just hoping this one isn't as big as his brither was, NO MORE 9lbs 14oz BABIES PLEASE?!?!?! I am smaller then I was with Drake so this gives me some hope.
As for the babyshower.....what a runaway rollercoaster that became. My brother and his other half decided to rent us a hall so we wouldn't have to cleanup before or after. Good thought in theory but then he stuck my mother with finding a place and paying. Over half the invitations got lost in the mail. No I don't know how that happened. I dropped them all in the same mailbox at the same time with the same stamps on them all. I tried to get invites or at least call people once we figured out what was goin on but that is when both Michelle and I got real sick so it was a bust. Also at that time my Mom changed the time from an afternoon party to a morning brunch. So those who did get the inviyes now had to be told about the time change. About a week before we said screw it, those who knew would be there and for those who didn't we'd just have a nice party after the baby came. It was fun the food was okay, some was great some was.....well lets just says it wasn't great. I got tons of clothes, baby bed and blanket stuff, photo albums and toys but no diapers or whipes. We did get money though so we can go buy them. No stroller/carseat but Jay's Mom has promised to buy that for us so no worries there.
Ray: She has been us and down for awhile. First off I am proud to say she is getting an A in algebra. We were right in that the only reason she failed last year was because her and her teacher despised each other. Her teacher went so far today as to take time out of her busy day to call me and tell me Ray got a perfect score on her Unit 1 test and that she is a joy to have in class and one of the teachers favorite/best students. Tickle me Pink!! Talking of color she died her hair dark blue which has now faded to a treasure troll blue. She's thinking of redoing the blue and then changing the color in a month or two. She has also cut it so it's real short on the sides and spikey on the top. It looks cute with the blue color over her natural roots. Ray broke up with her other half and it got nasty there for a bit from the other half but Ray is pulling through. She's really down but she is burying herself in her friends and helping out more around here. At least she isn't moping. Other then that she's doing good.
Drake: One word, hell. We have another bute of a teacher this year and Drake is stressing himself anf getting sick all the time. I'm trying to work on this with the school but not certain who's gonna break first, them or me. He has found out he hates to study so his test scores are all over the place. On the bright side his spelling scores are improving but he hates Social studies so it seems to be his worst grade at the moment. He has joined the school band which he loves. He is playing the snare drum and he's gatten rather good at it so far. He can't wait for his little brother to come but he is having a hard time with the less time with me thing. I've been so sick, and still am, I haven't been able to do as much with him. He says he understands. Ray and Jay have been spending more time with him so it's not to bad. Ray and Drake made peanut butter bat cookies Sunday while we went shopping and they had a blast. The dough wasn't quite right for cookie cutting so they spread a bunch but they taste fine.
Jay: Stressed out beyond all belief comes to mind. They've cut off all over time at work but stilol want him in early. So he now gets out at 2:30 in stead of 3:30. Which is good as it lets him get more cleaning down and spend more time with the kids but at the same time the early hours are killing him sleep wise. He's become a rather light sleeper since he is worried about me going into labor so he wakes up allot now. He and the kids are trying to keep this place clean but the kids are kids so they are lazy. I don't think Jay ever realized just how much I do in a day till i got sick. They are doing a good job but they have to practically sit on me to keep me from getting up and doing the stuff they missed. The van is uninspectable at the moment so jay is driving it illegally. It needs a new rod on the driver's front tire, an allignment, two new light assemblies for the front turn signals, the check engine light is on but they think it's the computer and not the engine and then there is the ABS light. The person who owned the van before took most of the ABS system out of the van so we took out the rest instead of paying a ton to put it back in except the light wich couldn't be taken out. Now with the new laws you can't have the ABS light on or it's an atomatic fail. So if we wish to get it inspected we have to pay for it ALL to be put back in. And as if that's not enough the new engine we just had put in is now acting up. We're not certain what we are gonna do but thinking, once I go back to work, of just junking the van and getting a new one. We're in the hole for a bit right now but that's mostly cause we didn't know I was gonna have to stop working cause I was gonna get so sick. We've run through all of the money we put aside. It will only take us a couple of months to get out again once I'm on my feet but right now it is massively stressful for us. The no sex for the past three months and probably for the next two aren't helping either!
So that's pretty much what's been going on. Sorry i haven't been on updating you all but I've been hiding in WOW and books/crafts so i wouldn't have to deal with it. I miss you all ALLOT but with my health and the whole van thing going anywhere has not been an option. I know we've missed several great parties and birthdays and allot of other things and all we can say is we're sorry guys. Happy birthdays to all we've missed. For those who have had losses/health problems know our thoughts have been with you. I have been checking on here from time to time to keep up to date with you all. Please feel free to call or stop by as I sit here alone all day, just forgive the stae of the house if you stop by. For now that is all. I miss you guys! Hugs to you all, hope you have a great Hallows and Be safe. Blessings! Till Later Me