(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 22:01

N and I went with Kevin to Lone Elk Park today, despite the name there are actually several elk there, and some buffalo. I should get the camera out and see if any of my pictures turned out. *looks* Eh, nothing impressive. The lighting was uncooperative either i was in bright sun the target was in the shade or vice versa. Anyway we brought stuff for sandwiches and had a picnic. I stepped on an acorn and hurt my knee... how's that for absurd. Its not too bad but I think i pushed it a little too much afterword and its hurting me now. We also went to the World Bird Sanctuary near by.

Oh, I almost forgot. At one point we saw a black spider with a red bit on its abdomen and I said "Is that a black widow?" and Kevin said, "I think it is." I decided I wanted to take a picture for later confirmation but the spider started to run off and someone who is allegedly afraid of spiders, used his foot to block it from getting away. After taking a look at a picture of a black widow i can confidently say it was not a black widow, but still it made me laugh.

I have to admit, I love this last Doctor Who season finale. I haven't really looked for what other people thought of it and I'm sure that some people thought it was absurd, but i still loved it. "Its a fez, I wear a fez now. fezzes are cool."

I must say I enjoy being married, specifically to my husband that is.

animals, kevin, doctor who, nah

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