I'm making a third prediction...

Jul 11, 2009 07:29

Early on in my stay here i made two predictions...

My first day here, L pointed out the lovely old house next door with the developer sign in the yard and told me it was going to come down any day now. When she said that I had this sudden feeling that it wasn't going to come down, at least not while i was here. For the rest of the year it sat languishing, grass over grown, and the developer sign leaning until it finally fell over. But a couple months ago, a for rent sign went up and now the for rent sign and the developer sign came down and the lawn has been mowed.

My second day here Ja and I walked to the library and grocery store and across from the grocery store was a blue fence with a sign on it that said "Light rail coming in 2009" or something like that... and I made the prediction that I would be able to take the lightrail to the airport when I went home July, and I was mostly right, Light rail service will start July 18 and it will go almost all the way to the airport, and they will have a shuttle bus connecting the last stop and the airport (service to the airport will start later in the year)

Now for my third prediction. It hasn't rained more than a few drops here and there in ... i dont' know how long. Two months maybe? The lawns are all brown and the dogwood tree in our back yard is looking awfully droopy. Now I'd like to predict that we're going to have some good old fashioned traditional seattle weather before i leave, you know, over cast and all day on and off drizzle. I mean sure sunny and seventy degrees is nice and all, but this just isn't seattle. :p

For some reason I woke up at 5:30 today and haven't been able to fall back a sleep, i finally gave up around 7. I was actually up when J and R left for the STP (Seattle to Portland bike ride, why yes, they are nuts.) but I didn't let on, because i didn't want them to think they woke me.

I've actually started packing, it's not easy since I don't know what I'm going to need between now and the 23ed, but I packed my Jacket and some clothes that i don't think i'll wear. I also packed my quilt since the other two blankets I have are adequate. I'm on this morning but only until 11am, then i'm going to do some serious laundry/room cleaning/ packing.

I think my new meds are working well :D. I still have bad moods, who doesn't, but now they only last a few hours instead of a few weeks

health, seattle

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