(no subject)

Sep 22, 2008 22:06

I've been sick with the cold/flu the last few days, it hasn't been to bad, since i've been in a position to take it easy and pamper myself, spent most of the day in bed watching dvds today. My fever is droping now, I can tell because all of the sudden during NAMI class i started to feel hot, which ment i was crossing that threshold where the fever stops makeing you feel cold (around 99.6 for me) and starts just feeling hot (arround 99.1).  I should mention that my usual tempriture is about a dregree below normal. Any way, right ow i feel like I am about ready to burst into flames, and my forehead is foging up my sunglasses so i think i might just go to bed.

Edit: Or not. I heard the tea kettle wistle and decided that a cup of camomile tea would hit the spot, and decided to have toast and jam with it. Not really tired anyway. How could I be after how much i've slept the last couple days. The fact that I am not tired is another sign i'm getting better, yay!

nami, health

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