Idol jaw flapping while I install the sims 2

Jul 08, 2008 15:32

So far, I’m pretty happy. :) Since it is a vista computer, if I wanted to have Word on it I would need to have Word 2007 and I wasn’t to impressed with that, but it comes with Microsoft Works, which is just as good as far as I can tell (and certainly better than 2007 :p)

The computer itself… lets see. The out side is blue, with a sort of soft to the touch finish that is nice. The inside is sliver, which will take some getting used to, right now I feel like I’m being blinded. it’s a quite a bit thiner and a little lighter than mom and dad’s which is also good. The screen is AWSOME! It isn’t even high def, but I feel like I am in the room with my desktop background. Sirsly! This is going to be awesome for watching movies on. OH! And it came with reinstall disks for everything! Including the operating system! Mom and dad’s laptop didn’t come with those and its been less than a year since they got theirs. I think I like the way all the plug in are arranged. The power bit is on the side rather than the back, I’m a little leery about that… sure its less likely to fall out accidentally, but if someone trips over the cord it could do some damage. Actually there are no slots or anything in back, just a fan vent. The headphone and microphone plugins are in front as is the sd slot. And the sd card don’t stick out the way it does on mom and dad’s. I should put some music on here next so I can hear what the sound sounds like. I forgot to bring home a cable so I could transfer files off of mom and dad’s computer… I suppose I could use my jump drive, it’ll just take longer.

Hoohooohooo! This Net Waiting (that came with mom and dad’s computer but has never worked) seems to be working. Perhaps our problems with noone being able to get a hold of us are over! Awesome! It works!

So far vista doesn’t strike me as that different than xp. It seems like they were touting it as being the new revolution in user interfaces blah blah blah. It looks different, but that’s about it. Its more like XP than XP was like 2000.

Just seasons left. I think I’m going to finish lunch while it installs. I wasn’t very hungry so I only eat part of my lunch but now I’m starving.


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