A lyrical post with a side order of bulleted randomness

Nov 14, 2007 19:41

I'm making this post mostly because i was curious about the "send to deepest sender" option on the right click menu (Deepest Sender being Firefox's lj client which I installed the other day.) Works pretty slick, that and I particularly like the first line of this song.

Throw Me A Rope Lyrics
Artist(Band):KT Tunstall

I want you between me and the feeling I get when I miss you
But everything here is telling me I should be fine
So why is it so, above as below,
That I'm missing you every time

I got used to you whispering things to me into the evening
We followed the sun and its colours and left this world
It seems to me that I'm definitely
Hearing the best that I've heard

So throw me a rope to hold me in place
Show me a clock for counting my days down
Cause everything's easier when you're beside me
Come back and find me
Cause I feel alone

And whenever you go it's like holding my breath underwater
I have to admit that I kind of like it when I do
Oh but I've got to be unconditionally
Unafraid of my days without you

So throw me a rope to hold me in place
Show me a clock for counting my days down
Cause everything's easier when you're beside me
Come back and find me
Whenever I'm falling you're always behind me
Come back and find me
Cause everything's easier when you're beside me
Come back and find me
Cause I feel alone

  • They have wireless internet at church now, which will make going to work with mom much more tolerable.
  • Pandora Radio is the best thing since sliced bread
  • We're going to be dog sitting for our pastor for a week, so that should keep me entertained.
  • After not working on my NaNo "novel" all weekend, I've written about a thousand words since last night. There's no way I'm going to "win" but I'm having fun anyway. I've started putting in some flashbacks, so things are going to be even more meandering and nonsensical than they already where
  • Decided I'm going to go deer hunting this year, which I haven't done the last few years. I was kind of torn, I enjoy it but it involves sitting out in the cold for hours on end. I figured I might as well do it now while I have the opportunity, or I might regret it a few years down the line when I'm too busy or far away to.
  • I'm getting tired.
  • I think there were other things, but I can't think of them now.

nanowrimo, hunting, internet connection, church, computer

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