Dec 30, 2008 00:03
Being home is always a little strange. I stay at my parents house and I have been living completely on my own for several years now out of undergrad so I forget to do things like call my parents to tell them I'm going to be home later than I expected. Yesterday that caused a stir. My mom ended up calling the cops to come look for me since she didn't get a hold of me on my cell phone. Maybe that was over kill, but she was worried so I can't change (or belittle) her reality.. in which I was probably dead on the side of the road some where or murdered by someones crazy ex-husband. so... it takes adjustment on both ends.
I went to the chiropractor today and I will go again tomorrow and Wednesday morning before my insurance dies. I found out that my ribs (7 & 8) are separated from the spine a bit in a way that they should not be. a left over issue from the car hitting me on my bike a couple months back. I have had a lot of pain recently so I went to get it checked out. I got electrocuted ("electrical muscle stimulation") & manipulated as well as x-rays. hopefully this will help things. People seem to be either really pro or really against chiropractors but this is my first time.. so we'll see.
In other news..
Joe and I are going to Chicago Friday for 6 days so I am excited about that. Hopefully I will get to see some old friends and colleagues. I'll get to meet his cousins.. I think we'll probably see a couple of museums while we're there.. and then finally get the first real alone time we've had since I got home.. which is needed.
I'm sore so I'll head to bed.. I hope all is well in the world.