The reason he wants to withdraw from the UN is because UN is basically world government. He doesn't like to play the sanctions/war games that the UN plays.. he says it is usurping our sovereignty and authority to the whims of a national body.
I support him because: 1. He wants to get out of Iraq and never supported it. 2. He understands WHY the terrorists attack us and speaks out about it -- very ballsy. 3. He will end personal income tax via ending our foreign occupations 4. He wants to talk and trade with all countries -- even Cuba and Iran. 5. He is pro-life, but doesn't think the government should regulate it. 5. He will work to legalize marijuana and end the costly war on drugs. 6. No lobbyist can buy him out. 7. He stands by his positions and never wavers unless he has a damn good reason -- such as capital punishment (he now opposes it because he says we've executed too many innocents). If you look at videos from 1988 he's saying the EXACT SAME THING he says today! 8. He understands the evils of the privately-owned for-profit Federal Reserve and wants to end their reign over our rapidly inflating money supply. 9. He is pro-holistic medicine and anti-government regulation (which he says gets corrupted by lobbyists, thus we should keep it local).
Agreed, he's not perfect in all respects.. and I don't agree with him on all issues, as I'm typically a democrat.. but he's spot-on in his truthtelling and is a TRUE man of the people.. so I support him completely. Please keep looking up videos/literature on him, and don't let any one issue be the end-all/be-all :)
I support him because:
1. He wants to get out of Iraq and never supported it.
2. He understands WHY the terrorists attack us and speaks out about it -- very ballsy.
3. He will end personal income tax via ending our foreign occupations
4. He wants to talk and trade with all countries -- even Cuba and Iran.
5. He is pro-life, but doesn't think the government should regulate it.
5. He will work to legalize marijuana and end the costly war on drugs.
6. No lobbyist can buy him out.
7. He stands by his positions and never wavers unless he has a damn good reason -- such as capital punishment (he now opposes it because he says we've executed too many innocents). If you look at videos from 1988 he's saying the EXACT SAME THING he says today!
8. He understands the evils of the privately-owned for-profit Federal Reserve and wants to end their reign over our rapidly inflating money supply.
9. He is pro-holistic medicine and anti-government regulation (which he says gets corrupted by lobbyists, thus we should keep it local).
Agreed, he's not perfect in all respects.. and I don't agree with him on all issues, as I'm typically a democrat.. but he's spot-on in his truthtelling and is a TRUE man of the people.. so I support him completely. Please keep looking up videos/literature on him, and don't let any one issue be the end-all/be-all :)
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