Joy and Vexation

Mar 23, 2007 12:51

I had originally intended this to be an entirely happy post… and then I actually went to retrieve my lunch and write it. The pertinent part of that statement being ‘retrieve my lunch’. Apparently, the firing of two of the overnight cleaning staff did not entirely fix the food-theft problem. What is probably worse is that mine was not entirely taken, it was pawed through and selectively taken; I had lunch meat in there that I had been eating off and on this week, for sandwiches; I know exactly how much was left yesterday, because I had been deliberating on how much to use then, and how much to leave for today. Half of it was gone. I realized this as I was making my sandwich.

I’m no longer hungry.

Or rather, I am, but can no longer stomach the prospect of eating food that I know has been handled by someone else. Gratefully, because I have nothing to eat otherwise- Mom was given soup from a co-worker, today, so the lunch she brought in was going uneaten; which she gladly passed on to me. One of the many joys of working in the same building as family. Now, if only I liked mustard on these things. *sigh* Ah well, its something.

That aside, I can move on to the happier portion of this post; though I apologize in advance, if my vexation won’t allow me to be quite as buoyant as I had originally intended; the gratitude is real, nonetheless.

sherrymarie? I got your package yesterday; you rock seven kinds of hardcore- that was so sweet- thank you! ^_^ (And now I feel guilty for being on such a tight budget… so if you have a fic-request, I promise I’ll try to make it not suck, and finish it in a [relatively] timely manner…) Yes, we need to try to hang out at Otakon; I like the dinner idea- we’ll have to see what we can do. ^_~

dethorats: I ignore your opinion entirely, and say: I LOVED IT. I cannot do it justice in my current mood, but as soon as I get over the bulk of my ire, I’ll post comments with just how much I loved it. Thank you! ^____^

Oh, and before I forget; Happy Birthday, haya5h1!
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