(no subject)

Mar 14, 2007 10:11

Man, I really need to get on the ball and start replying to people again. I fail. o_O (On which note; Em? TOTALLY taking you up on your offer. You rock. ^_^)

That covered; Mike? So... we forgot to put something in the package you're gonna get soon... sorry; that's the second time in as many weeks- I suck. We'll send it separately, or maybe with the stuff we're sending Jess, if she doesn't mind (do you mind?) since that'll be going out shortly, too. Oh, Jess? Need to catch you online later, hun. ^_^

Um… and stuff. Know there was something else, haven’t a clue what it is, now. And I STILL need to make that Meghan icon… Must get on ball, now! *will try not to keep putting everything off* (and probably fail miserably)
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