
Mar 01, 2007 13:01

So after two days of calling Starwood (in various degrees of distress) the guy who screwed us over sold us the ‘extra time’ finally called back. He went through an entire song and dance about how good what we bought into was, but mum was very firm in ‘you lied to us, that’s not what we want, it’s not worth it to us’ and finally he relented and said that if we were so unhappy with it he would reverse the transaction. Mum made sure to verify that they’d move us back into the area we previously had as well, so- pending paperwork, and receiving our money back- it looks like things are pretty well fixed. We’re back where we started, maybe a little worse for wear, as we didn’t need the stress- but no lasting damage done.


I think other people there talked to him, and pressured him into fixing it, because we talked to a LOT of people in the last few days- most of which were shocked that the problem occurred in the first place. It’s just good we didn’t have to try to muck with a lawyer. This is much cleaner.
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