Wolfsheim Live in Heaven

Mar 25, 2004 02:24

I just got back a couple of hours ago from Alanta. Sorta
brief synopsis of the trip....

We made good time all the way there until we had to call fro directions to the house( note to self... Never let the stoner who doesn't drive give you directions....) 45 minutes later we arrived after what should have been a 5 minute trip. We flew getting ready and left around 9:30,5 minutes later we returned to the house to get my wallet and meds I left behind... After parking at Masquerade (the 3 level club Heaven, hell and purgatory we got out and cinched up there was a fat nazi skinhead running around the parking lot screaming "ARE YOU A JEW?" "ARE THERE ANY JEWS HERE?"... Apperently he was a bit confused as he had been kicked out "heaven" for screaming "Are there any Nazi's here?" We arrived during the first song, After the third song I went over to get shirt's for myself and Rayven.. They were already sold out of baby dolls tee's I was very upset and more than slightly drunk at this point so I callled Joel in STL to have him grab me one when they come trough there. BTW Joel he is holding one for me....I danced my ass off during the show and had a blast, Afterward we went down to Purgatory for the after party. I proceded to drink and dance and drink some more after which the stairs by the dance floor suddenly snuck up on my ass. There really is no playing off or graceful way to pitch head long down a short flight of stairs. I was helped up by a nice boy who told me to keep dancing when I mentioned I should probably go sit down at this point. All is well that ends well they say. We got up this afternoon and ventured out to go shopping at little 5 points. I bought way too much cool shit. Including a ceramic Kali head complete with moving tounge. It kicks much ass. I also found a kimino with massive sleeves for $30, I was very happy. We had a long drive back but now I'm home and happy to be here. But God was it nice to get the hell out of town for a couple of days.
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