May 16, 2008 12:41
THE BOSS happened to think it was a waste of my time, and told me not to do it. I'm not her goddamned accountant, that's their job. IF THE BOSS told me not to do it, I'm not doing, I don't really give a flying fuck that YOU think it's not an unreasonalbe request.
Because it WAS.
YOU deal with the bitch from now on then, Miss 'I'm-so-fucking-perfect-I-make-no-mistakes-in-my-job-ever'. As I spent the entire WEEK you were gone putting out YOUR fires. But you snap at me when I go to talk to YOU about your crap that I had to do, but I just ahve to sit here and fucking take whatever your psychotic, OCD brain dishes out. Fuck you. Maybe I'll just move to Florida NOW. How about that?
Either way...I'm talking to THE BOSS about it. Period.
Oh yeah, what happened to 'you don't have to do phone so you can get the roll done'? Bitch.