This week's
fannish5 Friday Five is: What are your five favorite canonical friendships?
1. Danny Ocean & Rusty Ryan, Ocean's Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen. The way they're so perfectly in sync with each other, from "Ten oughta do it, don't you think? You think we need one more? You think we need one more. All right, we'll get one more." all the way through to their mature reflections about the game they're playing in O13; they're perfectly matched and the fun in watching them comes from watching them playing a doubles game against the rest of the world and winning.
2. Joliet Jake & Elwood Blues, The Blues Brothers. They've got the same kind of vibe as Rusty and Danny, that sense of them enjoying a private joke at the expense of the rest of the world. They're nothing without each other, and together they achieve a synergy that makes them something tremendous.
3. Riggs & Murtaugh, the Lethal Weapon series. I love these guys because they start out disliking, distrusting and resenting each other, and by the end of the series they're family. More than most onscreen partnerships, you know they both actually *think* about their relationship with their friend, and are both grateful for it; each has worked hard to earn the other's loyalty, and that fierceness really comes across onscreen.
4. Willow & Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm not actually much of a Buffy fan, but I love the dynamic of Willow and Xander's relationship. It's weathered everything from crushes and dating through all the melodrama of saving the world. And, in the end, it was their friendship that saved the world, with Xander being able to talk Willow down, and and and. I just love it.
5. Paul & Kevin, The Fionavar Tapestry. So close and yet unable to communicate in the ways that might have saved either of them, their friendship and grief for each other drives them to great acts of nobility, each trying to save and commemorate the other.