Frustratingly, I can't find release dates for Cold Comfort Farm on DVD anywhere, muy annoying.
I saw Attack of the Clones last night with my parents, too - my father, the non-movie-goer, has seen more movies in the last couple of months than he's probably seen for the decade previously. He enjoyed AotC, too - he agreed that the acting was largely terrible, and that the love scenes were vile, but the visual effects were spectacular. And that was why he was there, after all. And yes, Lucas has an incredible visual imagination. He may be unfamiliar with the concepts of 'good direction', 'credible dialogue' or 'character development', but my god he's good at making things look pretty. For example...
...where Obi-Wan is sneaking into the droid factory on Geonosis, he's walking down a curving gallery with arching ceilings and glowing windows behind him, almost cathedral-like. It's an incredible scene that's on screen for a few seconds at most. Most moviemakers would have thought "Mm, it's a factory in a sci-fi flick. Steel grey walls for us!" But no, Lucas makes it look gorgeous all the way through.
Now I'm off to investigate paid LJ accounts, and wait for my company for dinner to arrive.