Mr. Bud Strikes Again!

Oct 15, 2009 23:50

Mr. Bud, the previous owner of our house had a highly eccentric view of home repairs. Even after six years, we're still discovering some of his notions.
Today my husband and a friend moved a fridge out of storage and into our kitchen. Since it has an ice-maker, my husband connected the plumbing and then found that when Mr. Bud had put the valve in on the pipe, he'd put it in so that it faced the drywall. As in, no you can't reach it - there are studs on each side, drywall behind it and a pipe in front.
So my husband went and bought a cunning little door and frame, and next week, he'll knock a hole in the drywall, put the door in and we'll have access to the valve. It's in the laundry - I can live with this.
P.S. For those of you wondering how Mr. Bud accessed the valve - he put a hole in the drywall. At some point before he sold the house, he turned the valve off and patched the drywall. The only thing that surprises me about this is that he patched the drywall.
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