sorry, this is a lot later than intended, but here are the
answers to part 1:
1. this animal is in dessert.
it's a camel. two of the three students that attempted this clue pronounced "desert" properly, but one kept saying "dessert!" so i said "oh, you eat it? it's delicious?" and he seemed really confused until his teammates started whispering "desert! desert!" at him... hehe, i love torturing my students!
2. this is someone who saves many people and helps bad people.
it's a lawyer. i was completely stumped by these clues and didn't figure it out until someone said "someone who helps people when there's a crime." i literally never thought of a lawyer as "someone who saves many people" before, but students in two classes said the exact same thing... i was surprised!
3. this is a food that is a circle, is on tomato sauce, and is on cheese, and
is a kind of margarita.
it's pizza--it's pretty easy to tell from the description, but this team lost points for slaughtering the english language.
4. this is a kind of food on birthdays and on cream.
it's cake. the kid who said this is one of my favorite students. he got points because i was able to guess from the clues he gave, but when i told him i was taking away points because "the cream is on the cake" he said "no! in japan, the cake is on the cream!" (but, of course, i still took the points away!)
5. this is a country that is famous for elephants and long grain rice, and sounds the same as the thing you wear with a white shirt.
it's thailand! the first clue was "elephants" so i guessed india, but the other clues were good. today someone said "the country that is famous for kickboxing" which was also clever. (except that they actually said "popular about kickboxing" so i took away points.)
and bonus question (from today's classes):
this is something that carries a postman in his bag.