It's after four in the morning and I can't sleep. Still plugging away at my other fics when I get a spare moment, but I'm now done posting "Duet of Silence" to the A/R Survival Instinct Archive and I've been getting some great feedback.
It looks like it's going to be a lonnnngggg hiatus, but at least it will give me time to get caught up on a lot of great fics I've been meaning to get to but haven't had the time.
But I did have a chocolate Easter plot-bunny hopping around in my brain, who wouldn't stop bopping around until I satisfied the craving. I managed to pound it out over the Easter weekend and have just finished editing it. It's a fairly short story--for me that is LOL!--and may be the prelude for something longer, so I figure that since I'm not going to get any sleep tonight, I might as well post it.
Goodbye, Captain Apollo" is a rather sad piece and not really A/R--more like Roslin/Lee (non-smut if you please, because A/R is my OTP) with implied Adama/Roslin.