Mini Nano is working out pretty well for me. I haven't hit every day's writing, but I've hit more than I would on a usual month, sometimes staying up after Sami went to sleep to get words written that I otherwise wouldn't have. It also looks like I'll hit my [community profile] inkingitout Challenge of 75,000 words for the year. I think I might make my goal next year posting 75,000 words because I have a depressingly high number of abandoned WIPs this year.
Projects for the year so far:
- The Gentlest Chains series: 25,561 words, all but 4000 posted, still alive and planning on how to write the bonding scene soon.
- Shawsy/Bollig Werewolf fic: 1870 words (not sure if this is going anywhere or what)
- Sid/Geno kidfic Bigbang "Full House": 5650 words, steady progress being made
- Sid/Geno bodyguard kidfic: 12500 words, mired in major edits. Hoping to catch a second wind
- Sid/Geno semi-magical hidden-world fic: 10,000 words, stuck in some minutia that is boring me to write and will bore the readers but I don't know how to skip over it
- Toews/Kane kink-fic: 1844 words (see below)
- The Losers Cougar/Jensen D/s setting: 3200 words probably abandoned
- A couple more false starts that died or I was distracted from under 1500 words
Eagerly awaiting getting a 1800 word Toews/Kane kinky PWP with whispers of angst and implications that it might be a D/s setting back from the beta. I'm hoping it's sexy but I'm a leeeeetle bit rusty writing teh sex.