Oct 07, 2005 01:47
Good day I must say, Ya'll know I got Sims University, and I'm addicted, but my character is real good in school (art major.. hah) but is lacking in real friend relationships. Of course she want to have sex. But most people piss her off. Though she does chat with the guy that makes them food all day. She is dressed quite like me, studies too much to make any friends, and is scared of getting fat. These things are uncanny.
Ha. Uncanny, that reminds me of Trainspotting rehearsal today. Let me share a few choice moments.
*Jesus was a fruit!
*Jesus smoked pot, and was a fruit!
*Lizzie's a slut, all the boys fucked her, plus Sick Boy...
*Sex between friends, is not taboo. Turning to someone, "would you eat me out?" "would you suck my dick?"
*You can giggle about Jesus for a long time. Especially if you're in a room with Jon.
*Travis and I had a great conversation about, spitting, killer bees, west nile, having SARS, arachnophobia, tremors, and the back of the throat itch, that all you can do is choke it down.
*How did little atheist me, know more about saying the Hail Marys, then the somewhat religious people.
*Jon has a cute hat, Jon loves his hat, I love Jon's hat, Jon loves me, I love Jon. End of story. :) LoL This really was a funny conversation... you had to be there I guess.
I laughed sooo hard tonight. It felt good. Though most of the work I did today (and I did a lot, on Lizzie) wasnt used at all. Oh well, I ended up reading in for June, which I like better then Lizzie (Though Lizzie as a slut is much more interesting then Lizzie the bland numb girl.) Plus all the translating I was trying to do, went to waste, as we are just talking in our own voices with some key words in scottish, at least for now.
Ya know what would make my night better though? If I had a fuckin piece right now. I guess smoking a cigarette with have to do.