Nov 16, 2008 10:23
I was right. Paul's roommate IS a deuchebag. If one thing works out for me, another thing blows up in my face and I have to try to fix it. Can't I ever get a break?
I pretty much cried my eyes out last night on the phone with Tavia about this. I had such a bad day yesterday. I blame it entirely on PMS.
Right now I am headachy because I went to bed super late, then I woke up screaming because of a nightmare I had(which hasn't happened to me since I was a little girl, so I was kinda shaken by it), and then I got up with this horrible headache, cramps, and feeling sick to my stomach. I need to write a summary of my informational interview AND finish the book I'm reading so I can start the review for it. And tomorrow I need to pick up the OTHER book from the library that I need to start reading because that book review is due next monday. School is hell. At least I have it pretty much figured out though, graduating winter quarter and everything. But I'm just stressed out about the stuff I have to do NOW.
Plus I won't get to see Paul at all next weekend because the new El Gaucho restaurant is opening in Bellevue, so he'll be SUPER busy. He'll be in Seattle tomorrow but I have class at 6 so I can't hang out. UGHHHHHHHHHH. Plus this whole roommate issue is just too much drama and is completely retarded. I wish Josh would jump in a river or something and float away. And I'll probably be too busy this week to hang out with Paul so its looking like I won't see him all week. Great. Just great. Everything sucks right now.
And don't tell me to count my blessings because I AM IN PAIN AND I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT.
I'm going to go take a hot shower. I hate feeling this way. Maybe you guys could pray that this whole roommate thing will be resolved in a grown up manner, and that Josh will stop being a rude retard and be nice to me and stop being a freaking DEUCHEBAG to me and Paul. All of Paul's other friends, including his best friend Justin, think I'm awesome. I don't know why Josh can't be nice to me, he has no reason to be so RUDE. what a jerk. UGHHHHHHHHHHH.
I'm just so frustrated right now. I think I'm going to go cry again.