Sep 23, 2008 18:06
To be honest with you, this last month has been a total roller coaster of emotion. I think I am exhausted from it. My brain and body just turned off today and I've been "driving" with the cruise control so I don't have to think about the past few days or the past month. So much has happened- good and bad, and its a bit overwhelming and my whole being just went into "coma" mode today. I can't do anything really.I was going to attempt to put away some summer clothes(which depresses me beyond belief because I love summer and it goes by way too quickly) and get my autumn ones out, but I just feel completely drained. I have no energy even though I didn't do much today.
Worried about school starting. Worried about getting a job. I am starting to get desperate which is never a good sign, but oh well. Hopefully I'll find something that doesn't turn me into an irate monster like working at crappy retail did. Even my parents couldn't stand me!
I'm going to crash on the couch with my mom and watch a movie or something. I just need to give into this. Next week I won't be able to do this, I'll be in horrible school. YUCK.
*sigh*. Life continues on...