Jun 18, 2010 17:02

I have finished writing the research paper for my Leadership Principles class. This is the last class I have to complete the requirements for my Master's degree, and in fact I have already been through the graduation ceremony (in May) since my school lets students who will finish their degree requirements by the end of the summer sessions walk in the Spring Commencement (they only do one graduation ceremony a year). I just have 2 more days of classes to get through (this Sat and Sun which is a bummer, but I took today as a vacation day so I could 1. make sure I had the time to finish the paper and 2. not have to get up and moving early enough to be somewhere by 8AM for 12 days straight! I am a morning person but there are limits).

So I am DONE! Five years since I started this since I was going part time, and even though I didn't do summer courses the first few years, and my Spring class this year was accelerated and finished in March so I had a break for 2 months, it still seems like I have been in school forever.

Boy does it feel good to be finished.
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