Seasons go and seasons come--

Aug 14, 2009 23:44

--steady as a beating drum.

SO, I did it. I successfully survived my teen years and I'm officially moving onto my life as a twentysomething. Weird.

Am I ready?

I guess I will just have to wait and see.

...As I write this from the top bunk of a wobbly bunk bed in a room I'm sharing with my big brother. Haha Ah well.. Who says adulthood has to happen overnight??

In the meantime, let us recount. The following is a little thing I like to call Things I've Learned (though it's taken me twenty years [and three days] to do so):

People change and it's okay. In fact, I think that people SHOULD change. I know that I am not the same person I was in high school or even as a freshman in college. At twenty years old, I'm growing more comfortable with who I am as a person. My mind has grown. I form opinions that are completely my own. I no longer feel the necessity to believe what my parents, friends or teachers believe and I've come to feel that the assumed permanence of an opinion is ignorant. I believe that it was Aristotle that said "The more you know, the more you know you don't know". He's so right. And I have a feeling he'll only get more right with every passing year.

Life moves quickly and it'd be stupid to take even a moment of it for granted. Say what you feel and be who you are because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind, as Dr. Seuss said.

And this last one... well let us begin with a shoe.

Now I met this shoe (in deep plum, not black) today whilst shopping with momma in the outlet malls in the OBX & immediately fell in love. But even in the midst of my unbridled passion with this shoe, I couldn't help but think about how my friends would all hate them, haha. Not that that generally stops me from indulging in my ridiculously grandma inspired style, but it just got me thinking. I think people-myself included-put entirely too much stock into what other people think. & this is especially relevant as I've been thinking about the way my friends relate to eachother & hm... how shall I put this. My friends all have PERSONALITIES, and personalities don't always mesh. So even though all of my friends aren't all in love with each other, it doesn't stop me from being in love with each and every one of them.

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