I truly adore talking politics with intelligent people, especially when we can have differing opinions, and yet still respect each other in the end. I had a very unexpected and yet none the less appreciated talk with a friend, and I've been thinking locally, nationally and globally ever since.
I have also felt a pendulum shift inside of me. Stagnancy is dangerous, and not just because mosquitoes will gather and contaminate! But seriously, if you've never inspected a brain, do so. The gyri and sulci were created to maximize the area which we can use to think! && I intend to take full advantage of that space.
Morality is relative. There are no absolutes. It's simple philosophy, anthropology... simple logic.
I will not say that I believe abortion is moral, that is not in my jurisdiction. I can only tell you that it is a choice I would never make for myself. However... I do not know every woman in America. I do not know what kind of life she has lived or the experiences she has had. And while I don't believe I could ever have an abortion myself, I do believe that a woman should have the right to make that choice for herself. I have a problem with a government who would mandate what you can and cannot do with your body.
Lets take this a step further: Let us remove the gender from this scenario. It isn't a WOMAN, but rather a PERSON making this decision. If party A has the option to walk away, shouldn't party B?
I don't know. Logically it makes perfect sense to me, but my heart has reservations. I just... don't feel as though I have the right to tell someone what they can or cannot do. I am not here to judge your life, but to live mine to the fullest.
What I can't understand is how anyone feels they have the right to tell a group of living, breathing people who they can and cannot love. Regardless of your beliefs-religious or otherwise-on the morality of homosexuality, I urge you to remember that this is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue. We as a nation adopted the Separation of Church and State over 200 years ago because of an oppressive religious government, and we must remember that commitment. The religious aspect of your argument-while valid in many contexts-isn't cogent in our fight for the right to a civil marriage.
For those of you who haven't seen Sean Penn's Oscar acceptance speech, what are you waiting for?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhJOT7CHO94 Now, this speech isn't for the faint of heart. Penn lays out his opinion && does so in no uncertain terms. && Please excuse his dramatic nature, for he IS an actor. However... I truly believe that his message is valid.
Let's not lengthen the chapter of "Stupid Things America Has Done" in the history books of our children and grandchildren, Mmk Supreme Court? You have heard the arguments, now please allow your decision not to be swayed by propaganda, but by what is right. Justice for all, not for some.
live it. learn it. love it.