1. Never start a conversation talking about yourself. Take the time to listen to someone else. If they are worth your while, they will ask you how you are in due time.
2. Never publicize your negativity. A) You never know who you might offend && B) It makes you seem bitter. Bitterness is unattractive.
3. Never ever believe something without checking your sources. As the bible says, 'Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you to explain the hope you have' [1 Peter 3:15] (And no, something you read in a myspace bulletin doesn't count.)
4. Never assume you know how someone feels based on their race, religion, sexuality etc. We as humans have the capacity to hold several different and often conflicting views.
5. Finally, never close your mind. No matter how strongly you feel about something, your position SHOULD be ever-evolving. Don't let your mind get stuck, stagnant. It isn't the way God made us.
A lot of this is directed at myself... because I have come to realize that the qualities we dislike most in others are often things we don't like in ourselves.
Ok... I guess this has been procrastination enough.
to close : "If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed."-Mark Twain.
Peace, Love && Unity