Barack Obama is not a muslim terrorist.
he's a stand up, Harvard grad
with an interest in politics
and hope to do what he thinks is
best for our nation.
John McCain isn't an asshole
he's also a stand up guy with
a strong military history to
whom I owe my gratitude
for his service to our country.
he also hopes to do what HE
thinks is best for our nation.
as most of you know, i'm a pretty politically involved individual. && while I do firmly support barack obama, i DON'T support name calling and cruelty based on hearsay or personal attacks. It's just unacceptable to me. now, I don't agree with mccain/palin policies, but it ISN'T because of them as people.
&& While I know it may sound hypocritical, I am a big fan of political humor! Tina Fey && the SNL staff have been keeping me in stitches for months now. However, their humor [for the most part] is in good taste and is equally dished to both parties. I think it's healthy to be able to occasionally have a good laugh about such serious topics, as long as it doesn't go too far.
What I'm trying to say is that you should be careful about what you believe and ALWAYS check your sources. Make your decisions--whatever they may be--based on policy and plans, not because of attack ads and what you hear from your parents.
Also, there has been a bit of debate in my circle about the existence of global warming. The truth of the matter is that we as humans have the responsibility to protect this planet. It is a gift from God && we cannot simply exchange it for a new one. Through a rigorous course of study including AP classes in high school, collegiate seminars and a good bit of personal research, I have come to the conclusion that we aren't conserving out resources and caring for our planet the way we should! && I'm sorry, but I don't believe you have any authority on the matter && therefore I'm sticking to what I have learned in my educational forum.
[i actually composed this earlier today, before I got some rather out of line comments on my facebook from a close friend. ... i don't even know what to say. I think it's a shame that people can no longer RESPECTFULLY disagree, there's no need to be an asshole.]
but anyway...
PEACE, love && politics.