The good and the (possibly) bad

Nov 17, 2011 14:22

Apricot and Deirdre had their annual vaccination/checkup today. The clinic I took them to is a new one (like, my girls are some of the first patients new) that only works with cats. It was neat how much calmer they were than at their vets in Fort McMurray, which also takes dogs. The practice is small so far, one vet and one animal health technician, and room to board up to four cats. They gave me a "thank you for your patronage" sort of bag of really nice cat toys for each cat. Each bag has about the same thing in it (just in different colours) so I think one of the bags will be Apricot and Deirdre's Christmas gift for their new cousin, Cupcake. ^-^

It turns out that Apricot has two more feline resorptive lesions so she is going to have to have two more teeth extracted. :/ And she also has a heart murmur. So, she is going to have an ultrasound next Thursday to see what is going on with her heart. Depending on that, she may have to go on medication. Deirdre will need to have some dentistry in the next 6 months or so because she has some severe plaque buildup on her molars.

After vet appointments, I had to run a couple of errands. The bolts holding my Alberta license plate on were rusted in place and no amount of WD-40 would loosen them up enough to unscrew them with a Philips or an adjustable wrench (these bolts afforded either option). There was nothing for it, I needed a socket and tool kit with a ratchet. Plus I needed new fasteners for the front license plate, because this is the first province I've registered my car in that requires a front licence plate. So, off to Canadian Tire. I absolutely lucked out... I got a 128-piece set with both metric and imperial sized bits, on sale for $39.99. Today was the last day of the sale - more luck - and it usually costs $159.99!!! Anyway, with it I was able to get my licence plate off myself, for about as much as it would probably have cost me to get someone at a garage to do it (since I don't know anyone here who'd have the right tools for the job) plus I now have a nice socket and tool kit for future use. :)
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