
Jan 22, 2008 13:52

Oh... How I hate to see waste...

A few weeks ago I went shopping with my sister.. She keeps a very tidy house (maid service once a week). She only lives with her daughter part time, yet she lives in a 4 bedroom house. My children have told me that this is wasteful because she is using all of these resources to heat/cool all of this extra home that she really does not need.. Anyway, I am getting away from our shopping trip. We were at Costco and she purchased this big bag of paper plates. I knew right away what they were for, yet I asked this following question "are you going to a picnic?". She responded that she just likes to have them around the house. Well, I was honestly surprised to what extent. I took her daughter home from school for her the other day, in order for her to have lunch. She took a paper plate, put 2 small cheese balls on it and grabbed a plastic spoon to eat with. She also took an orange, wrapped in a paper towel. She ate the 2 cheese balls and then got up to throw the plate away. I asked if she might want to keep it to put her orange rind on, and she told me that she would just use the paper towel. Well, the orange proved to be messy, so she needed to go and get another paper towel...

Now.. All of this waste makes me sick to my stomach.. I really want to scream. Anyway last night, I took her daughter home (she spent the day at my house, whilst her mum was working) so she could put the lasagna in the oven (mum made it before she went to work). I told her I would keep her company until her mother came home. We ended up staying for dinner, and a sleep over, so I had to run home to grab food for my family (we are vegan, she is not). I cooked up a really yummy bolganse sauce and pasta.. Her daughter wanted to "try what we were having" so, she got some too, and of course my sister had some as well...

Here is the kicker.. She served the dinner on paper plates, with plastic forks! Oh, did I mention that she made the lasagna in a disposable pan..?? And before dinner her daughter grabbed everyone a Styrofoam cup to drink their sparkling water in! I said NO! they do not need a cup, they prefer the can.. they all agreed with me.. they later told me that they had told her that, but she had insisted on serving them in Styrofoam!! Lucky for me, I have smart kids..

Well, the fun came when her daughter wanted more dinner, but she did not want the lasagna as she claimed to not like it. Her mother said she could have the rest of the pasta.. I was like "well, the girls want more and this is all we have". Sister told me, "well, they had HEAPING" plates full, they had enough... I apologized and offered my plate of food to my kids for seconds... I wonder.. how much pasta does it take to feed a family of four? I called my mother this morning and asked her. She said she couldn't remember what we ate when we were big kids, but when we were toddlers the four of use ate a whole pound.. I guess, my kids are not as glutenous as my sister tried to make them out to be... I mean really, how much pasta can you really get onto a paper plate??

Sister said it would not be fair for my children to have seconds if her daughter did not have seconds.. I was thinking to myself. What would you feed her if I did not come here and make dinner for my kids? Crazy really. Also, I want to point out that my kids are very slim. Her daughter is overweight...so she she. She made a comment that she was 238 pounds (she is 5'3". I am not sure if this is a true weight, I would guess it is more.. The thing that I kept thinking is.. (and her daughter really is not too picky). make experimental food (it was a mushroom lasagna and daughter does not like mushrooms) when you are not cooking for your child (the day she is at her fathers)

Anyway, I am not dissing heavy people. I just have a very hard time with the situation I was in last evening.. She is not a person to argue with, or try to give a 'tip" to. She can become very mean..

She loves to call me lazy because my home is messy at times. But, I would rather be my kind of lazy, than hers. She cooks and eats in disposable containers.. and there are only 2 people she has to worry about (sometimes 1). It does not seem that difficult to me...
and there are only 2 people she has to worry about (somtimes 1). It does not seem that difficult to me...

I want to add the main purpose of this entry to the waste.. the paper plate, stryofome cups, aluminum baking pans, etc.. I worry so much about the environment and then to see my sister living this lifestlye really breaks my heart.
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