A Very Wary Christmas "To call out a team of lawyers to insist that people say 'Merry Christmas' - what could be less in the Christmas spirit?" asked Jeremy Gunn, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief.
"Don't they have anything better to do?" he asked.
Really, don't they? As I've said, I agree it's silly to rename a "Christmas tree" a "holiday tree", because it's not. And I even agree with singing songs like "Silent Night" in a school program as long as other religions are represented as well.
But to get all up in arms about Walgreen's or Target putting "Happy Holidays" on their circular instead of Merry Christmas? Come on.
"Christmas is not a holiday. A holiday is when you take a day off work and run around playing," said Randy Sharp, director of special projects for the American Family Assn., which led the Target campaign. Using the word "holiday" for Dec. 25 devalues "our nation's most holy day," Sharp said. "And I take offense.""
My eyeballs should return from the back of my skull any minute now. IT IS A NATIONAL HOLIDAY. That's why most people get off work! If it WASN'T considered a national holiday, you'd have your panties in a twist about having to work on "our nation's most holy day." PS, our nation doesn't have holy days. PEOPLE do, RELIGIONS do, not our nation as a whole.
I seriously wish my biggest problem was what the Wal-Mart greeters said to me when I walked in the store.