alumni nite and thanksgiving!!

Nov 25, 2004 22:04


-drunken izzy, casey, and liam
-amanda i
-chiara for getting me in
-courtney a
-courtney b
-ok so i feel as if i've written enough pple so now i will say my pix from last nite
-mcdonalds at like midnight
-my family(esp my uncle jimmy...i never really talked to him b4 cuz after he married my aunt it was just kinda awkward cuz i didn't really know him but i talked to him today and i like him a only took me like 5 years to have an actual conversation with him)
-going to conneticut
-jimmy's cooking
-the fact that i've eaten more tonight than i think i've ever eaten b4 in my life and im not full
-the fact that the oireachtas is this weekend and im not would think that would be in the
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