Nov 06, 2004 17:23
Just got out of work a little while ago... I also took the SATs this morning which sucked ass... Fortunatly Justin was there, so I had someone to talk to.
And work wasn't so bad. I worked with Megan and she's really nice, so it went well. And Stephanie gave me a Starbucks card for working for her...
And blah blah...
Now I actually have some free time, and I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.
Mon petit ami jaune...
justian17 [5:31 PM]: bonjour, mademoiselle en gris
Ladyingrey666 [5:31 PM]: Bonjour, comment ca va, mon ami en jaune?
justian17 [5:31 PM]: la francais m'ennuye
justian17 [5:31 PM]: en jaune?
justian17 [5:31 PM]: hein, c'est pas important
Ladyingrey666 [5:32 PM]: just kidding... jaune est leid.
justian17 [5:32 PM]: il y a beaucoup de devoirs
Ladyingrey666 [5:32 PM]: ah oui?
justian17 [5:32 PM]: il y a trop beaucoup
justian17 [5:32 PM]: leid?
Ladyingrey666 [5:33 PM]: J'ai travaille aujourd'hui. Est j'ai fait
Ladyingrey666 [5:33 PM]: leid est le mot en anglais pour
justian17 [5:34 PM]: oui...?
Ladyingrey666 [5:34 PM]: oui oui!
justian17 [5:34 PM]: ai...
justian17 [5:34 PM]: je ne comprends pas
justian17 [5:35 PM]: excuze-moi, mademoiselle
justian17 [5:35 PM]: le mot en anglais c'est LAID?
justian17 [5:35 PM]: or je me trompe?
Ladyingrey666 [5:36 PM]: Je crois c''est leid...main peut-etre je me trompe.
justian17 [5:36 PM]: lol
justian17 [5:36 PM]: mais!
justian17 [5:36 PM]: le point d'importance est que c'etait tres drole
justian17 [5:36 PM]: bon travail!
justian17 [5:36 PM]: :-)
Ladyingrey666 [5:36 PM]: lol
Ladyingrey666 [5:37 PM]: merci, Ilya
Ladyingrey666 [5:37 PM]: tu est tres gentil
justian17 [5:37 PM]: non
justian17 [5:37 PM]: pas moi
justian17 [5:37 PM]: vous, belle femme
justian17 [5:38 PM]: et, puis... je me reveille a douze heures au jour d'hui
Ladyingrey666 [5:38 PM]: ah, ca c'est bon.
Ladyingrey666 [5:39 PM]: Je me reveille a huit heures.
justian17 [5:39 PM]: des idiots dans ma residence a beaucoup de music trop fort
Yeah... I don't know why I put that in there. I'm going to clean my room. GO me!