Jul 25, 2002 10:01
*sighs* Could someone explain this to my mother, please?
We have a total of three computers in our house: the one I'm on right now, a second one that I don't think anyone uses anymore, and my computer which goes with me to school every end of August. Of those three, only this one is connected to the Internet (I've given up on Dad coming through on that promise of his to get Internet hook-up in my bedroom this summer). And there are four people in this house who use it to check their e-mail and do other on-line or computer related stuff, including myself.
And Mom's bitching because she thinks I spend too much time on the computer. Well, excuse me for getting my hands on this thing when I have the chance! She oughta know how hard it is to share it with three other people. It's not like I'm ignoring the stuff I have to do today; I know very well what's on my to-do list, thank you very much.
*checks watch* Oops, spent too much time on this entry. *rolls eyes*