
Apr 24, 2005 20:42

Another good episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, another beautiful house. I loved the life-size dollhouse that Paige did for the youngest daughter. Hopefully there was nothing in that home video her mom sent that, if they saw it, Preston, Michael and/or Ty could use for potential blackmail material. Ty's practical joke auctioning off a Polaroid of the guy's truck was mean. I know he likes to do things like that to throw the family off, but one of these days karma's gonna come back and bite him in the ass (and no, I don't think the appendicitis thing was it). You just wait and see.

And you'd think Michael would have learned by now...when Ty's going nuts with the bullhorn, put in a pair of earplugs and get back to work!

Oh, and Akino - was this the episode you were talking about?

Tomorrow's HTDT? promises to be good too. I'm curious as to how they managed to redo the other houses in the neighborhood along with the main project. It's cool that they did that, but still...

Received the copy of Legend of Big Paw that I won on E-bay a couple days ago (hence my icon). That movie is a cheesy casserole with an extra layer of cheese on top. But I love it anyway. *glee!*

Seeing it again, there are definitely a few things that could have been done a little better. For example, a bit more explanation as to who Collette was aside from the mother of six baby puppies (or "puplings" as they were called in the movie). I used to think that she was related to Cooler because of the similarities in their names, but now I think she could be related to Nose Marie because of their similarity in coloring. Additionally having the puplings being dependant on their mother added to the urgency of finding Collette and Whopper, but you'd think that the pound would have some way to care for newborn pups in the absence of their mother wouldn't you? That can't be the first time they would have had to deal with little ones that had no mother. Some more insight into the Pound Purries would have been nice too.

The story felt a bit rushed, too, and the ending had a bit of a cliched, deux ex machina resolution to it with everyone being changed back just by hearing "I love you" and the machine changing McNasty and his cronies from bad to good. Given the chance I think McNasty could give Katrina Stoneheart (the tv villain) a run for her money.

Also there was too little of Howler. The piano dog deserves more screen time and more dialogue. The two new dogs, Reflex and Beamer, didn't serve much of a purpose except to take up space and be fodder for kidnapping (Beamer) or be part of the resolution (Reflex). But I like Hal Rayle as his VA better than I thought I would; he doesn't compare to Robert Morse by a long shot, but he didn't completely ruin the character. Rayle's Howler sounded younger, and he appeared to be more timid, more of a musician and less of an inventor than his television counterpart.

And it's official - Howler/Bright Eyes is my new OTP. I swear that Bright Eyes had a crush on him through the whole film, and by the end the feeling appeared to be mutual.

extreme makeover home edition, pound puppies

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