Jun 15, 2006 13:33
Isn't it funny, maybe not in a riproaring smack the knees laughter bellowing from the guts.. but its just disarming in its sweetness and light, almost ironic but never quite making its way there.
Its just you know.
I know Im just wasting time really, because I am all these moods and none of the emphasis.. its the fickleness of a cat on a hot tin roof, and the verve of something that floats between my fingers, not to make sense.. but just to say.
And so all you try to do is test your lips, to extend and lick from one corner and hover, to the middle and hover and to the other end and hover.. and it interests you in some vague way that by the time you do the full 360 degrees.. your top lip has already dried.. so you must lick again.
I can curl my tongue. Can you?
And theres pale gold coating the leaves today, and it makes me smile.. its that translucent gold that if you caught it, it would disappear but for the air you already grasp.. and it flickers against the windows and holds the gaze for infinite moments stacked on the clock.
This is my excuse not to work.
I will work, I just don't really feel like working right now, Im supposed to be auditing files for quality assurance, meh I say. Because if you think about it, Im more transfixed by the pale gold, and the bulldog clip on my message board, and the monkey peeking around all the pens in their holder.
Would you tell me a secret? Would you?
Seriously now, If you'd tell me a secret, maybe I'd look upon you with more care and disregard, for you yes, for the thoughts yes.. disregard for just how it sounds in its opposing states. Fickle-minded beauty of which makes no sense even to herself.
So would you tell me a secret? It'd be anonymous and I will turn the IP logging off .. maybe you would, it is completely in your court.. High Priestess or Hermit..
Go on..