...is approaching. Can't believe I'm a 1/3 of the way in.
The critique went better then I had anticipated last week. The only thing he pointed out was I was an f stop too low and couple other minor things which I scribbled down...somewhere. I managed to drop this weeks assignment already down to cd but I'm not feeling it. I shot a portrait of my friend Bob in the early evening. The lighting ratio is off and I think this time around my f stop is too high. I feel like I should have used a bounce card to fill in the shadows a bit more on him. I guess I'll just have to wait for the critique on Tuesday night.
The next couple of weeks were going to be shooting in studio with HD cameras. NYU apparently gets a little cranky about loaning them out (even to groups of 5). I would love to get my hands on one but I don't think I can stomach dropping 5-6 grand right now for one good camera and P2 card. Only to have it become outdated in the matter of a couple of months. I found a dvc-30 on ebay that I might bid on if the price stays low enough. It would be nice to set up two cameras per scene to cut down production time, but I won't know for a week of so.
In other news I posed for a friend of mine last night. She's the local artist I worked with on the last short so I figured I owed her. Luckily she didn't have me pose nude (that's something no one should be forced to see!). Instead I had the whole resident evil thing going on. My friend Glen also posed for her last night as Superman. The pictures are all hilarious. I can't wait to see what she paints but I think I'm going to have to wait until September for the
Harlots and Heroines opening in Philly. I'll post more on that when I get the exhibition opening night date. Anna has some seriously fantastic work and it would be great to get a large group out to support her. i also owe her big for missing out on her last gallery showing.
I finally got done cleaning up all the production and screening pictures from 'Portrait'. I'm hoping if all goes well I can crank out the DVD by next weekend to have the final product in the mail by next Monday to my cast and crew. Anyway, long overdue is the short here. I put it up on you tube maybe three days ago:
Click to view
The music was provided by my friend
Jack Walker. The guy is one Hell of a talent. I am so lucky to have met him three years ago.