I was tagged by
ladystarlightsj, (thank you!!), and she said to:
A) List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B) Tag seven people to do the same.
C) Do not tag the person who tagged you or tag "whoever wants to do it."
So I am tagging (only if you please, and apologies if you've been tagged already...)
graffitiandsara, and
LADYHELIX RESPONDS - because as usual, it's "all about me"...
(1) I eat cheeseburgers upside down - with the thick bun on the bottom.
(2) I am hard on equipment.
(3) Faith's assessment of Buffy as "little-miss-tightly-wound" would not be wrong in reference to me.
(4) In college - I nearly flunked German 101. I had NO clue what was going on.
(5) When our high school wrestling coach got thrown out of meets/tournaments, I often had to sit in the corner of the mat and coach (some of the guys didn't do a lot of their own thinking). With Becker it wasn't ever a question of IF he would get kicked out - it was a question of WHEN. *sigh*
(6) There are only two good reasons to be in excellent physical condition; and I don't play tennis anymore either.
(7) My three "brushes with death" all involved snowmobiles.. which is especially funny because I'm pretty sure I've only been on a snowmobile twice in my entire life.
(...my dad calls Snowmobiles "thunder-pimps)" *giggles*
- When I was 12 Debbie Edgett's father took us for a moonlight snowmobile ride on the lake. We spun out of control when my shin clipped a rusty dock post (their feet were tucked snugly under the cover, mine were sticking out since I was sitting behind them). The gash was only 6" long, but it was bleeding like crazy (and you could see my bone - ewwww)! Not fatal - but since we couldn't stop the bleeding and it took 45 minutes to get to the hospital it was close. We're pretty sure that there was more of my blood saturating the upholstery in the back seat of their car than there was in my body by the time we got there! That was my first snowmobile ride..
- When I was 14, I was riding on the back of a snowmobile with a 16 year old who looked like Tom Welling - but cuter. We were thrown into a tree when the Tim had a massive epileptic seizure. We're not sure how long we were out, but luckily my cousins got worried, followed our trail, and then got help. Thank goodness for fresh snow and a full moon. Yes - it was night this time too. Tim hadn't had a seizure in years - I didn't even know he had epilepsy. This was my second snowmobile ride.
- When I was 35 a snowmobile hit me from the side while I was skiing at Winter Park in CO. My arm was broken in many many places and you could see one chunk trying to poke through the skin (again not fatal). However a blizzard hit just as they got me off the mountain and the roads to Denver were closed for 2 1/2 days. Aparently all those jagged bones so close to the artery were a big deal. Once they opened the roads and I got to his office in Denver, the surgeon took one look at my X-Rays, put on his coat, held my arm, and walked me across the plaza to the hospital. We went straight through admitting, to the floor, he very carefully arranged my arm and I in a bed, told staff that I was not to move a muscle, and then stood there until he was sure I was completely sedated. He stopped by the next evening to say that after 14 hours of surgery they had "found all the pieces" and bolted them back together. They then proceeded to hold me captive in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. When I FINALLY got home my doctor in Lansing took one look at the x-rays, turned ashen, and whispered that I was very very lucky to be alive.
I didn't realize this common thread until last night when Jon & I were comparing war wounds. His advice was of course "Momza, please stay far far away from Snowmobiles".
Thanks!! Looking forward to your responses!