Apr 09, 2006 22:48
This event was the most fun we have had that I can ever remember. Tons of visiting, hanging out,awesome attendance.
So every event has a "so there I was" I finally got me one too !!!
So there I was....sitting in Camp. Visiting, laughing....and suddenly I see the huge white Kraken pavillion slowly rise up off the ground. My eyes huge....and then it shoots straight up, twists around and shoots into the near tree....I get up and run screaming help me !!!!! Of course my company has no clue what I am screaming about....but they JUMP !!! Then I hear behind me all kinds of comments about the amazing moment...lol. About that time the Pavillion shoots down from the tree and wedges it self between a wire line and Ant's pickup truck. The wind blowing so hard, that we can't move it. We had to wait for it to die down. I believe the only reason it did not travel to a far land...lol....was that Sly had the forthought to bungie it to a steal pole.
So here we are, about 15 people fighting the wind, pulling this pavillion to a somewhat normal position. Funny thing was, it was now standing in a new place and different direction. I look at it... said "hmmm this doesn't look right, I don't think they set up a tent inside the pavillion....hehehe."
Bout that time ...strong gusts again....all 15 of us had to jump up and grab the roof poles to hold it down again...it was about to take another ride. Redhawk ran for more stakes, it was all we could do. As luck would have it.....he got her staked and she was grounded for the remainder of the event.
Funny thing about all this....Tha Horde had left for a store run to get stakes....hehehe. Last thing Chip said to me was...."Mom, we're going to the store...if you see anything fly off will you chase it down for us?" Geeez....and I had laughed and said "sure son".